TFP3051 with Factory Installed High Body Option
Maximum working height 11.8 in. (300 mm)
TFP3051 High Body Extended Z-Axis Stroke Factory Installed Option
For cutting applications involving large size square pipe and other
structural members, order the TFP3051 with the High Body Factory
Installed Option. With this option the TFP3051 Z-Axis stroke is increased
to enable a working height increase
from 5 in. (125 mm) to 11.8 in. (300 mm) without reducing cutting accuracy.
The actual Z-axis stroke is increased from the standard 170 mm to 340 mm.
Usually when working with square pipe, a customer supplied jig is required. The working height is
the distance from the surface of the table slats to the top of the
square pipe being cut. The jig must be electrically conductive because
of the touch sensor used to detect the cutting surface.
Maximum Working Height Increased
from 5 in. to 11.8 in.
Square pipe, plate and sheet metal can all be cut on the same machine.
When square pipe or other structural members are being cut, the operator
selects "Square Pipe Mode" at the CNC. For sheet metal and plate, the
operator selects "Normal Mode".
Cutting is limited to a single contiguous surface height in each NC program. If the
structural member has more than one surface to be cut at different
heights, a separate NC program is required for each surface height
and non-contiguous surface to be cut.
Examples of cuts with TFP 3051
with Factory Installed High Body Option
Setup for cutting square pipe, including customer supplied jig.
Maximum surface height of the square pipe above the slats is
11.8 in. (300 mm).
Three separate NC programs are required in each case shown above.
The NC Program is limited to a single contiguous surface at one height.
Specification is in metric units. Units in inches are approximate.
Technology in the TFP3051, TFPL Series, and TFPV Series is protected by US Patents, and other Patents Pending.